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Tech Forum

October 2012

Vintage Parts Hunter

Does anyone have or happen to know where I can obtain a pair of 455 kHz IF transformer cans, and a Local oscillator coil for my homebrew AA five tube super heterodyne AM receiver?

I am using the 12BE6, 12BA6, 12AV6, 50C5, and my friendly 35W4 to build my set. Are there any "old new stock parts" establishments still around these days that may have the vintage parts I require?

I know I can still buy yesteryear radio sets that have what I need. However, I would be more likely to repair them as they are, than to scrap any of them for the parts.

I have my trusty 365 pF dual gang air core variable tuning capacitor with the reduced capacity second rotor set. I hope to have no difficulty obtaining all the rest of the parts, as well.

Can any of you high tech experts direct me to where I can get the above named parts I am lacking? Thanks for any assistance.

Howard Daniel Rollins III
Kinder, LA


Look at www.tubesandmore.com They have both local oscillator coils and i.f. transformers for am tube radios listed. P-C208B, P-C70-OSC, and P-C78 look like the ones.

Jim English
Mission, KS