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September 2014

Noise Cancelling

Is there such a thing as a noise cancelling technology that would allow me to play my guitar without disturbing the neighbors?

I get complaints about noise from my apartment when I play. I just can't use headphones and I've tried putting blankets on the wall for soundproofing, but I still get complaints. How about an electronic solution?

Brian Tate
Madison, WI


There is no practical noise cancelling technology on that scale. Building an anechoic chamber would be very expensive. Playing guitar in a vacuum would not allow you to hear yourself (since sound does not travel in a vacumn), and would suffocate you. That leaves two possible options:

Relax your ban on headphones and use a product such as the $40 Amplug [The headphone guitar amp that lets you enjoy serious guitar sound, fast.]  See www.voxamps.com/amplug or possibly the low tech solution of playing under a wool blanket.

More than 40 years ago we wanted to record short skits for radio brodcast in our college dorm room. Our input was not as loud as an accoustic guitar, and we were close mic-ed for voice and sound effects. We had such good sound isolation, that it effectively blocked the external noise of nearby stereos, running feet, shouting, and anti Vietnam War riots outside the building. Many people wondered where we found such a quiet place to record! This probably will not work for amplified electric guitar. You could use a self standing tent, with covering heavy bankets down to the floor. The level ouside the tent will be dramatically attenuated.

Barry Cole
Lacey, WA