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July 2012

Modify Scott 340A Tube Receiver

I live very close to a huge water tank that affects stereo reception. I would like to connect a scope to measure FM multipath distortion. I have had no luck getting help from user groups, etc., so far! Does anyone know exactly how to do this? I can't afford the McIntosh tuners. I can do the construction if I had a schematic. Is this possible?

Nick Oshana
Bristol, CT


The first place I saw the oscilloscope multipath display was on the Marantz 10b. Two other FM tuners with the scope outputs were the Scott 312 (and the Scott 312b, plus the kit versions LT112 and LT-112b) and the Heathkit AJ-15 (and the receiver version AR-15). You need an X-Y oscilloscope — preferably with response down to DC. Connect the horizontal X input to the output from the audio detector (still monophonic, not yet demultiplexed) and connect the vertical Y input to the AGC (automatic gain control) signal.

Joseph Feng
via email