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May 2012

Looking For Datasheets

I have a collection of one and two Meg memory strips from early PCs, with which I would like to make delay lines for digitized audio. I can find no application or pin-out data for the chips; the markings seem inconsistent from strip to strip, and have no manufacturer's name or logo. (I have one set of what I believe to be four Meg strips designated as MT4C4ME8DJ.) I've done Google searches for this style of memory chip to no avail. Can anyone help?

Arne Berg
Huntington Beach, CA


This is an old EDO SIMM.
Knowing that — and knowing that MT meant Micron — I did a Google search for "micron edo memory datasheet" and found: www.pjrc.com/mp3/simm/datasheet.html which says (among other things):


For the latest datasheet revisions, please refer to the Micron website: www.micron.com/mti/msp/html/datasheet.html.

• JEDEC- and industry-standard pin-out in a 72-pin, single in-line memory module (SIMM)
• 16 MB (4 Meg x 32) and 32 MB (8 Meg x 32)
• High performance CMOS silicon-gate process
• Single 5V ±10% power supply
• All inputs, outputs, and clocks are TTL-compatible
• Refresh modes: RAS#-ONLY, CAS#-BEFORE-RAS# (CBR), and HIDDEN
• 2,048 cycle refresh distributed across 32 ms
• Fast Page Mode (FPM) access or Extended Data-Out (EDO) Page Mode access

Options                         Marking

50 ns access                     -5*
60 ns access                     -6
72-pin SIMM                        M
72-pin SIMM (Gold)             G
Operating Modes 
FAST PAGE MODE           None
EDO PAGE MODE                X

*EDO version only

Part Numbers
EDO Operating Mode
Part Number               Configuration            Plating

MT8D432G- x X                4 Meg x 32                  Gold
MT8D432M- x X                4 Meg x 32               Tin/Lead
MT16D832G-x X               8 Meg x 32                  Gold
MT16D832M-x X               8 Meg x 32               Tin/Lead
x = speed

FPM Operating Mode
Part Number               Configuration            Plating
MT8D432G-x                    4 Meg x 32                  Gold
MT8D432M-x                    4 Meg x 32               Tin/Lead
MT16D832G-x                  8 Meg x 32                  Gold
MT16D832M-x                  8 Meg x 32               Tin/Lead
x = speed

Pin Assignment (Front View) See diagram below.
72-Pin SIMM
4 Meg x 32
8 Meg x 32

PIN    SYMBOL      PIN     SYMBOL        PIN     SYMBOL         PIN     SYMBOL
1         Vss              19          A10              37          NC                 55       DQ12
2         DQ1              20          DQ5             38          NC                 56       DQ28
3         DQ17            21          DQ21           39          Vss               57       DQ13
4         DQ                22          DQ6             40          CAS0#          58       DQ29
5         DQ18            23          DQ22           41          CAS2#          59       Vdd
6         DQ3              24          DQ7             42          CAS3#          60       DQ30
7         DQ19            25          DQ23           43          CAS1#          61       DQ14
8         DQ4              26          DQ8             44          RAS0#          62       DQ31
9         DQ20            27          DQ24           45          NC/RAS1#*   63       DQ15
10       VDD              28         A7                46          NC                 64      DQ32
11       NC                 29         NC (A11)      47          WE#              65      DQ16
12      A0                  30         VDD             48          NC                 66      NC
13      A1                  31         A8                49          DQ9              67       PRD1
14      A2                  32         A9                50          DQ25            68       PRD2
15      A3                  33         NC/RAS3#*  51         DQ10             69       PRD3
16      A4                  34         RAS2#         52          DQ26            70       PRD4
17      A5                  35         NC                53          DQ11            71       NC
18      A6                  36         NC                54          DQ27           72        Vss

*32 MB version only

If this isn't the right part, then try www.alldatasheet.com/view.jsp?Searchword=MT4C4ME8.

Rusty Carruth
via email