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Tech Forum

2019 Issue-3

Image Reverse

I’m building a rear facing camera system for my car that displays the image on a 7” screen mounted on the dash. However, the image appears reversed horizontally. Is there a circuit to flip the image left to right so it would be correct from the perspective of the driver? Any ideas are appreciated.

Krystian Czarnecki
Lombard, IL

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Your best bet is to buy a backup camera that reverses the image for you. Many models let you select which way you want the image displayed. Depending on the resolution and night vision features you want, the backup camera can be purchased for under $20 online.


You don't need any electronics. Instead of having the camera face backwards out your rear mirror, place it so it "looks" left or right. Then use a mirror at 45 degrees to the camera's optical axis (top view) and you'll get a left-to-right reversal of what your display shows. You could mount the camera and mirror on a plastic or plywood base and support the mirror with a small angle bracket that lets you adjust the angle so it suits your purpose. And you can move the base as necessary.

Jon Titus
Herriman, UT