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May 2012

Display Advice

I need to build a high visibility display unit that consists of 15 1” x 1-1/2” display units. I've considered LEDs, Electrolum panels, and more. I cannot seem to find a display unit that can properly display true black and true white. I also need them to do at least 256 colors as well — nice, rich high resolution colors. Is there such a thing? I believe I've seen them but am not sure where since I go to a lot of places displaying a lot of stuff.

Tom Moore
Beverly Hills, FL


The only displays I’ve seen recently are basically ‘VGA flat panels’ or LCD flat panel displays. Expensive, but with LED flat panels you should get pretty close to real black and real white…  (for example, at the local Pei Wei they have large 50” flat panel TVs for their displays, and the local credit union I use does a similar thing). Here are a few companies that sell such things.


Displaytech (www.displaytech-us.com/?gclid=CKXvjJXo9q8CFSoZQgod60iTUg)


Purdy (www.purdyelectronics.com/products/displays/tftmodul.cfm)


IDT (www.toshibadisplays.com/?_kk=LCD%20display%20panels&_kt=41098ecd-8c7b-4102-b602-a2891f16f4c3)


Planar (www.planar.com/?campaignID=70150000000TpWT&_kk=planar%20displays&_kt=77205abe-b0e5-448e-ad71-fdd9273e5e74&gclid=CP6Nrabo9q8CFcYBRQodDXzDDA)

Rusty Carruth
Tempe, AZ

Good luck finding a display that actually displays black. About the only thing that would come close is an "electronic ink" display as used on an Amazon Kindle. Most displays — whether CRT, LED, incandescent, etc. — generate light. Black is the absence of light and with a CRT (picture tube) or LED display, the blackest black you're going to get is with the display off. It only seems "black" in the presence of all the contrasting colored light around it. Look at your TV with power off. That's its blackest black. Really! It doesn't seem that your "256 colors" is a good definition of "nice, rich, high-resolution colors." Your local paint store has more color chips than that by far and it's certainly not "high resolution."

Dean Huster
Harviell, MO