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October 2014

Chinese Capacitor Problem

I have a Viewsonic model  VG2230WM LCD monitor that has quit. I read that these monitors have the "Chinese capacitor problem" but I can't figure out what exactly that means and what to do to fix it. Do I just replace all the caps on the PCB?

Jouko Koskela
Memphis, TN


Often a monitor goes dark because the back light power supply fails. Look for the power module which has the pink and blue wire back light voltage connectors. Usually there are two or four connectors for the backlight power. The capacitors on this module often fail due to heat over a period of several years, and they sometimes have bulging tops making them easy to spot. Replace all of the electrolytic capacitors on the power module, there may be five or six of them. In many cases this will restore operation of the monitor.

Bill Seabrook WETA-TV
via email

I have repaired several flat screen monitors, one of them was the VG2230WM. I was able to find the power supply on line and replace it after getting it open. Another one was fixed by buying the capacitor kit on line and replacing each of them. The hardest part of any flat screen repair is getting them open without damage.

Good Luck.

Bob Smith
Prescott, AZ