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February 2018

Amplifying Plant Signals

I’m trying to duplicate an ESP experiment described in the book “What A Plant Knows,“ by Chamovitz. Basically, I need an amplifier and sensor to read signals from stems and roots. What frequency response does the amp need? My guess is from DC to maybe 20 Hz? If this is the case, then what sort of amp configuration do I need?

Carlos Dixon
Flint, MI

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Mr. Dixon desires to amplify electrical signals originated in plant stems and roots. This is a perfect application for an instrumentation amplifier circuit. Instrumentation amplifiers amplify the voltage difference appearing between two sources, neither of which is referenced to ground.

Basic information on instrumentation amplifiers and lots of applications bulletins from IC manufacturers such as Analog Devices, Texas Instruments and Intersil can be found if the phrase “instrumentation amplifier applications” is used as an internet search argument.

Peter A. Goodwin
Rockport, MA