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October 2014

555 for PWM

Does anyone have a simple circuit/schematic to use a 555 timer to dim a 120 VAC incandescent bulb? In the little bit of research I've done, it seems like using the 555 for PWM should do the trick, but I don't understand "zero crossing" and why it’s important. Pointers welcome!

Chuck Pearson
Kansas City, MO


I have a 555 PWM circuit diagram on one of my YouTube videos here: [url=http://youtu.be/KrcqpGZQd9U?list=PLUsDZdokq6wxDP7L3sMoYFTA5WDoAtBu4]http://youtu.be/KrcqpGZQd9U?list=PLUsDZdokq6wxDP7L3sMoYFTA5WDoAtBu4[/url] The diagram is at about 2:18 in the video. I hope it helps for starters...



Freddy Cordero
via email