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Switching To A Switching PS January 2016

I found a fantastic tube amp for my stereo system at a garage sale, but later discovered that the power transformer is shot. Can I use an inexpensive switching power supply to provide the high voltage, without distorting the output? I’d rather not spend $100+ on an old fashioned boat anchor transformer if I can avoid it.

What are the pros and cons? Any advice would be appreciated.

John Ullrich
Santa Fe Springs, CA


You didn’t give specs, but, if you size a power supply, leave plenty of head room, tube amps are power hungry, transformer supplies have a soft drop off, and switching supplies simply drop out when pressed beyond their limit. Also I’ll bet that the transformer has two or three voltage outputs, that is a lot to spec and integrate, and expensive.

Nick Vitinaros
Grand Blanc, MI

Capacitor Forming January 2016

I’m trying to resurrect an old Halicrafter’s communications receiver from at least the ‘50s. I’m planning to replace the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply with capacitors I salvaged from a more recent TV set.

However, I’ve read that electrolytic capacitors — once formed at a certain voltage — can take months, if not years, to reform at a new voltage. Until then, the capacitor value can be significantly off from what’s on the label.

Can anyone shed some light on this, and any thoughts on whether I’ll risk damaging the receiver if I use the caps formed at the higher voltages found in the TV circuit?

Nicolas Berger
Birmingham, AL


The thin aluminum oxide dielectric (energy-storing) layer in electrolytic capacitors is formed on the specially-treated anode metal, and the electrolyte contacts the outer can (on early parts) or the cathode foil (on later “dry” parts). When radios have been unpowered for a very long time, electrolytic capacitors tend to lose their dielectric layer and their voltage rating, but not usually much capacitance. They may destroy themselves and other parts when re-powered, unless slow-start techniques are used to renew their dielectric.

When restarting long-idle sets, it’s best to use a variable-voltage (Variac) transformer to increase voltage slowly over several days. Note that Variacs are usually not isolated. An alternative method is to power up with an incandescent lamp socket in series with the AC line, starting with a 60-watt bulb and increasing the wattage gradually. Turn the set off occasionally and check for excessive heating.

I have repaired many radios using higher voltage TV capacitors, and never known one to take more than a week, unless it was defective. If the TV parts aren’t ancient, they may still be sufficiently formed for your new (lower) voltage, but for safety, follow the above procedures.

There is a strong shock hazard posed by AC/DC sets. Many early versions of these sets had all B(-) connections grounded to the chassis, including one side of the switched line cord, no matter which way it’s plugged in. Missing or wrong size screws or knobs or rotting rubber mounting grommets could make outer metal cabinets lethal. Some otherwise-well-built later radios, such as the Hallicrafters SX-41, had a live chassis. Most later sets used an isolated internal ground system to minimize the hazard. It’s safest to work on AC-DC sets using an isolation transformer, especially if you’ll be connecting any AC-powered test gear. You can make your own, using back-to-back filament or power transformers of appropriate power. Good luck with your repair!

Stanley Pitman
via email

Let me start with a rule of thumb, electrolytic caps drop some value if formed to higher voltage (within working range). This is because of thickening of barrier layer, BUT this can vary, that is why most are rated plus or minus 20%. They generally only need to be big enough (power filter, or bypass). Don’t expect much value drift moving to lower voltage. Other concerns are, internal resistance (can screw with bypass performance in audio stages, and heats cap at high duty cycle).

Nick Vitinaros
Grand Blanc, MI

Clipping The Spike January 2016

I’m using an Arduino to control a set of relays, and both the microcontroller and relays share a 9V power bus. I plan to put a diode across the relays to clip any reverse voltage spikes. Is there anything else I should consider to prevent a spike from the relays from shutting down the processor?

Ronald Miller
Kansas City, MO


Depending on your design layout and other components, I would suggest using a TVS (Transient Voltage Suppression) diode. While a conventional freewheel diode may be sufficient, not many clipping networks work in the picosecond range of a TVS. Placement of the TVS should be close to the source of the transient with as short a connection as possible.

Common TVS operating voltages range from 5V to 440V. They may be unidirectional (fine for relay coil flyback clipping) or bidirectional (AC transient suppression). If you can’t find one with the exact clipping level needed there are methods for adding to the clipping voltage by placing fast silicon diodes in opposing series (cathode to cathode) with the TVS. Adding a fast silicon diode in this way will increase the transient suppression clipping point by the silicon diode junction voltage drop (.7V).

Another option would be to use a Snubber Network. Again, use of these would depend upon your circuit layout and conductor lengths. These are simple RC networks. You can build your own by placing the correct capacitor and resistor in series across the relay coil or purchase a snubber as a unit. A TVS is usually less expensive and easier to add to the design.

John Sinks
Edelstein, Ill

The inductive reaction from opening a circuit which contains an inductor (relay coil) is due to the reverse voltage generated by the collapsing magnetic field around the coil when the current is interrupted by opening the contact. This high voltage can cause arcing across the contacts or spike on electronic components which leads to their demise.

For a DC powered circuit, you could add a snubber circuit (series resistor and capacitor) in parallel with both the diode and relay coil as shown in the Figure. Just make sure the resistor and capacitor can handle the power discharged from the diode coil when the contact opens. For an AC circuit you can use a properly sized Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) to snub the spike.

Tim Brown
via email

When controlling inductive loads, I like to use an N-channel MOSFET such as a 2N7000, BS107 or equivalent to control the device in addition to the flyback diode. This provides further isolation and reduces the current requirement of the Arduino just in case you want to control more that a couple of relays.

Gene Sellier
Fairhope, AL

LiPo Smart Charger December 2015

I’m looking for a smart charger for LiPo cells that can run from a solar panel.  I’ve heard that the combination is incompatible because of fluctuations in output from the solar panel.  Is this true?  If so, is a workaround a larger panel?

Michael Gage
Weiner, AR


There are a lot of solar to li-ion battery charger ICs. You might get one on a breakout board, like the following: www.ladyada.net/make/solarlipo

I made a small solar powered solar tracker that has a similar IC, and charges 2 li-ion batteries to about 8.0 volts. Works well, in operation over a year now.

John McCullough
La Habra, CA

Motor Brake December 2015

I’m looking for a schematic for an electronic brake for a one phase 120 VAC motor. I had a commercial one, but it failed. I discovered it was potted with no way to tell what was inside.

George Gray
via email

Reset Timer December 2015

A router and modem at a remote location periodically lock up, requiring a reset by unplugging to restart. Is there a simple circuit I could use to drop a relay out for about 30 seconds, every 24 hours? The relay contacts would be wired to drop out the power circuit to the devices. That way, when it does lock up, at least it would be reset again within a day.

John C
Chicago, IL


Get an inexpensive 24 hour timer and adjust it so it is on for as much of the 24 hours as you can. If that provides a short enough off time, you are done. If not, you can do the following. Make a 555 monostable timer circuit to energize a relay for about 30 sec. Circuits to trigger a relay using a 555 can be found in many places. Power the 555 circuit using a (surplus) wall cube plugged into your 24 hr timer.

Power your equipment through the relay contacts (but not through the timer) so that when the relay is in the de-energized state, your equipment is on. When the 24 hour timer turns on, the 555 timer will go high for about 30s, energizing the relay which turns off your equipment for a short time.

B H Suits
Houghton, MI

You may not have resolution down to 30 seconds, but a simple light switch timer would do the job. Set it to switch power off in the middle of the night or at a time of minimal use.

Steve Bepko
via email

You could use this timer designed for resetting a router on a timed schedule! It is a plug in timer! www.amazon.com/NetReset-NR-1000US-Automated-Cycler-Routers/dp/B00HUEU9H8

Len Powell
Finksburg, MD

You can try this particular timer from Amazon www.amazon.com/Digital-Programmable-Socket-switch-Energy-Saving/dp/B00WHPNON6/ref=zg_bs_495340_1 Or, Google for household lamp timer, there are many available.

Jerry R.

AC to DC March 2011

Why do most laptops, cell phones, etc., have relatively large transformers to convert AC power to the proper DC voltage, but the Amazon Kindle only has a small adapter that seems to have no space for the traditional transformer?

Boston, MA


The linear type wallwarts operated on line frequency of 60 cycles, and even though they only have 3-6 parts, these had to be large to handle the current and squelch ripple.  What you are looking at are the newer units which are switch mode type supplies, operating in the 100-200 kilocycle range.  Even though they may have 40 or so parts, these parts due to surface mount technology, and the high frequency, can be much smaller and lighter.  These supplies also provide a stable voltage of more current and less load droop than their older linear cousins.

The Blob
via email

Controller Quandary November 2015

I’m stuck with the limitations of my controller which has eight analog inputs each which can sense 0.5V changes between 0-10V. I need to measure temperature between 50-160°F within one or two degrees.

My idea to get the accuracy needed is to divide the thermistor output across three inputs where input one would resolve the 100’s, input two would resolve the 10’s, and three would be the 1’s. Example: temp 143 divided into three would produce a 1V signal on input one, a 4V signal on input two, and a 3V signal on input three. Then, in software in the controller, recombine the values back into a single temperature.

Does this concept seem doable and if yes, what would be the easiest way to create such a circuit? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Harvey Mushman
Los Angeles, CA


I think an couple of quad op amps would enable you to scale the temperature range you want to 0 to 5 volts. That way, the resolution would be around 0.5degrees on each a/d input.

John McCullough
La Habra, CA

I suggest you consider the Maxim MAX31820 temperature sensor. Its accuracy is +- 3,6 Degrees F over the range of -67 F to 257 F. It has a digital output (rather than analog) with a "1-wire" interface using only 1 controller port pin. A large number of these sensors can be paralleled on the one pin so you could even put several together and average the readings. For a datasheet, see: [url=https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX31820.pdf]https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX31820.pdf[/url]

Mark Peterson
Plymouth, MN

Have you considered a digital sensor, such as the DS18B20? They are inexpensive (about $4), readily available, is accurate to +/- 0.5 C (so, about 1 degree F), wide temperature range, and then you only need 1 digital pin. I used one in a little oven controller that used a PIC, a while back. Programming is a little more work, and it can be a little tricky to use with longer cables.

Jay Jaeger
Madison, WI

Your proposal will not work. It reminds me of students who try to connect two 8-bit DACs to make a 16-bit DAC. It just doesn't work. But I can't offer a solution without more information. What's the resolution of the analog-to-digital converter(s)? Do you mean you can set any of the analog inputs for a 0-to-0.5V range anywhere within the 10-volt span, say, from 1.2 to 1.7 volts? What is the voltage output from the thermistor circuit? More information, please.

Jon Titus
Herriman, UT

You don't say what kind of controller you are using but if it has SPI capability, why not use a DS18B20 serial sensor. It is accurate to .5°C in the temperature range you specified and software routines for most MCUs are readily available.

Gene Sellier
Fairhope, AL

Super Capacitor Comparison November 2015

I need some help in understanding what’s going on inside a super capacitor. I did some experiments using regular capacitors as a backup power supply to a real time clock chip. Mathematically, the amount of time an electrolytic capacitor (1500, 2200, and 4700 µF) would power the chip became predictable once I came up with a formula. However, when I connected a super capacitor, the math broke down.

The real time clock should have exhausted the stored power in the super capacitor after exactly three days. Instead, it is still maintaining the correct time after four months! Clearly, something is physically different about a super capacitor. It seems to be acting more like a battery than a capacitor.

Can someone explain to me how the chemistry of a super capacitor differs from electrolytic capacitors? Why does the amount of charge stored seem to far exceed the capacity indicated by its Farad value, under an extremely light load?

Judy May W1ORO
Union, KY


Your calculations are probably correct, however you may have used the worst case current from the datasheet, if you use the nominal current it should be good. A couple of months is the expected retention at room temperature. Just be careful if you use schottky diodes in your circuit (to power the RTC from normal 5V) the leakage current in a poorly selected diode can exceed the standby current. (Schottky diodes are made with 3 doping levels, producing forward drops of 200, 300, 400mV, the 400mV has lowest leakage current, it will usually have a H in the part number). A supercapacitor is a electrolytic double layer capacitor (EDLC), and each electrode is coated in very fine carbon granules, the total surface area is about 1000 times higher than just aluminium foil, with a much thinner dielectric, hence the increase in capacitance (and drop in maximum operating voltage). There is no actual oxide layer for the dielectric, an EDLC has charged layers of ions a few molecules thick instead, and charge and discharge just move the ions back and forth across the layer.

Bob Turner
Salamander Bay, Australia

“Super-caps” are, indeed, electrolytic capacitors. They’re construction typically uses tantalum (not aluminum) plates to obtain a large capacitance value in a relatively small package compared to standard aluminum electrolytics. Plus, their electrolyte formulation differs enough from aluminum capacitors to allow a larger charge vs. size capability.

Because of their large charge capability, they are ideal for use in short-term backup applications where low currents (typically, less than 100 microamperes) are required (i.e., real-time clock chips). However, they are not the same as a battery (i.e., lithium coin cell) as, like regular electrolytics, super-caps do self-discharge over time and they can not deliver a large supply current (i.e. >1 mA) for longer than a couple of seconds.

Ken Simmons

Gold vs. Tin October 2015

I need to buy IC sockets in bulk for an upcoming project, and I’m debating whether the added cost is worth it to upgrade from tin to gold contacts. Am I paying for longevity or simply slightly lower contact resistance when I spend double or triple for a gold IC socket?

Ted Walden
Fairbanks, AK


Personally I always use the "machined" gold plated contacts (Machined contacts are round, and have 3 to 4 gold fingers internally) the cheaper tin sockets require more force, and this force can (and does) bend the IC pins. Once you get above 18pins it is really difficult to insert IC's into tinned leaf sockets.

Bob Turner
Salamander Bay, Australia

Gold plated contacts are highly resistant to corrosion. If you are designing equipment that is going to potentially operate in humid environments or where reliability is paramount, then using sockets with gold plated contacts can be a good investment. For most applications though, conventional machined-pin sockets provide excellent performance and the added cost of gold plating will not buy you much.

Most consumer equipment uses inexpensive stamped pin sockets and even those are normally adequate.

James Sweet
via email

Depends on the environment that the project will be operating in. Gold plated sockets are usually specified for high-reliability, that is, in mission-critical or life-critical applications. Tin plated contacts don’t like lots of high frequency vibration, such as near heavy industrial equipment. It also doesn’t tolerate humid environments. Gold plating is great for use in humid environments, and is better than tin in high vibration environments.

There’s not a lot of difference in contact resistance, and you won’t gain anything with gold. If your project will be used in a humid or corrosive environment, then I suggest a conformal coating be applied over the entire circuit board. Gold plating comes with its own unique problems, the main one being separation of the gold plating from the plated surface, causing a failed connection, or worse, an intermittent connection.

I’ve used tin plated sockets for many years, and never a problem that could be traced to the sockets. My money is on the tin plated sockets.

David Mason
Hazel Green, AL

Always go for the gold with chip sockets and “wire wrap” socket pins! The main reasons are:

1) Excellent corrosion resistance, which translates to more reliable connections. Tinned contacts will electrically degrade due to oxidation, even after the chips are inserted.

2) Better spring (mechanical) contact between the socket and chip pin. Tinned sockets are simple “leaf compression” types that are prone to “chip creep” (i.e., the chips push out of the socket over time) caused by thermal effects (i.e., heating when powered on and cooling when powered off), which means you have to occasionally re-seat the chips (i.e., pushing them back into their sockets with a “crunch-like” sound when they re-seat). Gold sockets are machined and use “grip fingers” that, literally, clamp down on the chip pins, virtually eliminating chip creep. Also, after crunching a loose chip in a tinned socket, it’ll creep out again at an increasingly faster pace as the tension in the leaf springs increasingly degrades with each re-seat operation (also resulting in degraded electrical connections - see 1 above).

3) Mechanical security of installed chips. Referring to 2) above, a creeped-out chip will eventually fall out of its’ socket if the board is jarred. Chips installed in gold sockets, again because of the clamping effect on the pins, will never fall out if the board gets jarred. FYI: I type this from 35 years of industry experience having to find and re-seat loose chips in tinned sockets that caused intermittent (and frustrating!) device malfunctions. I rarely (almost never) had creep, etc. problems with gold-plated (machined) chip/wire-wrap sockets.

Ken Simmons
Auburn, WA

I would get the less expensive tin sockets, unless you will have the project in a corrosive environment (and you would also have to deal with possible wire corrosion). In using many sockets over the years, I have not had any problems with tin. Get the “springy” side-contacing socket like (www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/A08-LC-TT/AE9986-ND/821740) rather than the machined pin type of socket. I have had some machined pin sockets making bad contact with the IC.

Steven Barnicki
Milwaukee, WI

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