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Vol 42 Issue-1

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Build A Farmer, Fox, Chicken, Corn Logic Puzzle

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Nextion Touch Screen Display — Part 7

Tutorial on including touch screens into your homebrew projects.

Building a DMM & Basic Oscilloscope with the Dr. Duino Explorer Edition

Build a DMM and basic o'scope for a fraction of the cost!

Restoring the Curtain Burner Radio of the Early 1930s

Curtain burner resistance line cords create a whole new challenge when it comes to antique radio restoration.

Adventures in Battery-Land — Part 1

Empower your projects with batteries.

The Transistor Compound Pair

A quick look at the transistor compound pair detailing its basic operation.

Vintage Tek: Continuously Variable Autotransformers

If you routinely work with tube gear, then an autotransformer belongs on your workbench.

The Drake 2B: Refurbishing a Classic Ham Radio and Shortwave Receiver from the Early ‘60s

Continue your exploration into the world of refurbishing tube-type electronics.


Build the Lambda Harp

Build a circular harp that’s MIDI compatible.

Build a General-Purpose Raspberry Pi Data Logger Hat

Here’s a RaspPi project that collects and live-plots voltage, temperature, and battery capacity data.

Build a Farmer, Fox, Chicken, Corn Puzzle

Build an updated version of this popular game using an Arduino.

Build a Voltage Monitoring System with RTOS

Build a voltage monitoring system with RTOS.

Build a Motion Activated Nightlight

Make your own customizable nightlight with parts you probably have on hand.


New Products
Owon Tablet Oscilloscopes, Stereo Tremolo Nano Pulsar, Cat III Hook Clips, Waterproof Sensors, Four-Ch Servo Extension, Two-Stage Viper-Slide Kit, Eight-Ch Servo Power Node

Virtual Collaboration – Pre-Internet
by Bryan Bergeron
Whatever the topic, there’s always someone to collaborate with.

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Comments from readers.