Nuts and Volts Magazine
Whether you’re building your own electronic drum kit or measuring distance with a 3D scanner, a HAT can give your Raspberry Pi exactly the functionality you need.
Bring some dead batteries back to life with these simple projects.
Working with CC3200 Launchpad and Code Composer Studio (CCS).
You can easily build or buy a perfectly good IC voltage reference and set your mind at ease about the accuracy of your meters.
POSER #1: How does electricity know to light the bulb while leaving everything else dark?
The eagerly anticipated Microbitx transceiver kit is not without its own set of problems.
Design a video shield for Embedded Micro’s Mojo V3 FPGA Development Board.
The metric system will be changing in a way that is more profound than anything since its establishment following the French Revolution.
Select from among eight different tone sequences from a single doorbell switch, or up to four doorbell switches, each with its own tone sequence, for different doors/locations.
The MIDI Replay stomp box is a powerful configuration and recording device for keyboard players, based on the wonderful MIDI protocol: the standard musical language of over 30 years.
Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
Raspberry Pi Zero Flight Computer — Part 3
Finishing up the Raspberry Pi near space flight computer.
The Ham’s Wireless Workbench
by H. Ward Silver
Filter Design Software
Conclusion of a short tour through filters and filter design.
by Kristen McIntyre
Reader Questions Answered Here (09.2018)
Questions related to dealing with a constant hum and getting into brain control.
Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
How Phased Array Antennas Work
Introductory tutorial on a special antenna type you need to know about.