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July 2017

Nuts and Volts Magazine


Working with I2C Sensor Devices

Here’s a quick beginner-friendly tutorial that shows you how to interface and read data with the popular serial protocol, I2C.

Building Your Own Microcontroller

Designing a softcore using the Zilog Z8 Encore! (a.k.a., eZ8) to learn more about VHDL (VHSIC hardware description language), FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays), and microprocessor cores themselves.


Build an Adaptable Controller for Your Near Space BALOONING MISSIONS, Part 2

Build a flight controller that can be used in near space ballooning projects. Up next, the software.

tDCS — Brain hacking?

Experimenting with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).

Build an ESP8266 World Clock

Build on previous ESP8266 projects to add a customizable world clock to your arsenal of time keepers.


The Spin Zone
by Jon McPhalen
A Block On the Old Chip
BlocklyProp is a fun and easy way to build a Propeller program — piece by piece — using blocks.

The Ham’s Wireless Workbench
by H. Ward Silver
The Solar Eclipse and Ham Radio
Getting ready to follow the on-air activity that will come this August 2017 when we have a total eclipse of the sun.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Put on a PiFace
Working with PiFace and a RAD tool called B4J.

by Kristen McIntyre
Reader Questions Answered Here (07.2017)
Find answers to questions on a simple current source; a block heater power indicator; and Arduinos and LEDs - redux.


What’s in Your Grab-and-Go?
by Bryan Bergeron
What’s in your “grab-and-go” bag when you get phone calls for help on a friend’s electronic equipment?