Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

September 2015

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Get Your PET Out Of The Cemetery



Haunting 201 — Thirteen Electronic Projects to Elevate Your “Scare Game”

Continuing with the idea from last year’s special Halloween edition, here are some ghoulish ideas to take this year’s haunts up to the next level — electronically, of course!

Adding Color to the Commodore PET

Go retro with this PET project that will get you re-learning everything about these old machines.

Beyond the Arduino — Part 6

To the Power of I2C. We’re going to raise the bar and connect our AVR microcontroller to modules with a little more intelligence.


Little Book of Horror

It seems like just an innocent edition sitting on the counter ...

Flame On, Dude!

Give your Jack-o-lantern (or whatever props you may be using) some cool faux flames this season.

Single Chip Audio Spectrum Analyzer Makes Singing Easier

Get those talking props in sync with this audio spectrum analyzer that has a variety of uses — from tone detection to real time audio analyzation for controlling servos and other devices.


Reader Questions Answered Here (09.2015)
Students ask questions on radio propagation and troubleshooting.

by Ron Hackett
PICAXE-PC Serial Communication — Part 3
Experimenting with an interrupt-based method of improving the 20X2 response time that’s faster than anything we’ve used so far.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Getting Back into Ham Radio — Trials and Tribulations
Equipment choice can be harder than you think — especially when you can’t install antennas.

The Ham’s Wireless Workbench
by H. Ward Silver
RF Interference
RFI is everywhere — is it interference to you or is it interference by you? Possibly both! But fortunately there are ways to keep it in line.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Take Your PIC of a Super-Fast Embedded Computing Machine
It just doesn’t get any better than this. It’s time to gather the components, get the circuit boards made, lay down the parts, and write the code. When the dust settles, you’ll have built a super-fast 32-bit embedded computing machine that can converse via multiple logic-level serial ports, a true RS-232 port, USB, and Wi-Fi. If all of that data is important to you, just store it away on the onboard microSD card. And it does get better.