Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

February 2014

Nuts and Volts Magazine

The Arduino Classroom



Improved Efficiency 13.8V Power Supply

Many hobbyists use or repair equipment intended for automotive use, so require a power source. The linear design presented here is modernized with MOSFET pass elements that improve efficiency with no switching noise.

An Easy Two-Wire LCD

Here's a simple technique to run an LCD on only two port lines of a microcontroller.

This is Radio Disaster Calling

When natural disasters occur and phone service goes out, it’s ham radio operators who keep communications open.


An Arduino Controlled Digital FM Radio

While you can always listen to the radio from some newfangled device, why not do it the old-fashioned way — over the air from a desktop unit. (Plus, you get to control it with a remote!)

MakerPlot — The DIY Software Kit Part 5

Graphical plotting, data acquisition, and control software for your microcontroller.


by Ron Hackett
PICAXE-Pi Communications — Part 1
Get answers to questions about the behavior of the cylon10.py program from last time, and begin an exploration of PICAXE-Pi communications.

by Russell Kincaid
Reader Questions Answered Here (02.2014)
Inquiries about trickle chargers, ham mobile radio setups, and electronic player pianos are asked and answered this time.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
DSL and Cable TV Broadband Internet Access: How Do They Work?
Chances are you’re already using at least one of these technologies, but recent upgrades have made them faster. Read about the technical details of each system and the most recent new features and specifications.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
The Arduino Classroom - Chapter 2: Digital Output - LEDs
As we continue our curriculum on computing and electronics basics, learn how to design circuits using light emitting diodes, and then how to use these LEDs with Arduino software to indicate events to people using your system.