Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

January 2014

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Easy-to-Build PIC-Based Remote Temperature Sensor



The (Nearly) Universal Process Monitor

While the circuit described here is specifically for showing system parameters in an electric truck conversion, you can utilize it as a process monitor and display for analog and pulsed signals in a variety of applications.

All About Clocks for PICs

Taking the time to understand how clock options really work in a microcontroller will make implementing them that much easier.


Build a PIC-Based Remote Temperature Sensor

You can never have too many remote sensors, right? This circuit lets you set up a homemade weather station to monitor the most popular of all parameters: temperature.

MakerPlot — The DIY Software Kit Part 4

Graphical plotting, data acquisition, and control software for your microcontroller.


by Jeff Eckert
Events, Advances, and News (01.2014)
Read about a transistor that learns, secure wireless access, the Smellophone, plus some other cool stuff.

The Spin Zone
by Jon McPhalen
Shifty Business
Sometimes the simple tried-and-true solutions are overlooked because of the ever-increasing sophistication of microcontrollers. Case in point: shift registers.

by Russell Kincaid
Reader Questions Answered Here (01.2014)
Questions on LED drivers, remote control, and video and power over cable are answered.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
The Arduino Classroom: Arduino 101
Even though the Internet is flowing with tutorials on how to use the Arduino microcontroller, sometimes it’s nice to have everything put together into an easy-to-follow introductory course. That’s what we’ve done here.

Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
A New Airframe Design for Near Spacecraft — Part 2
Building a new airframe is only part of creating a near spacecraft. There are things like post burst chaos that have to be considered.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Utilizing Embedded Web Development
Remember drilling that slightly off-center toggle switch mounting hole for your project's front panel then have it be a bit too large? Those days are long gone. Trade in that drill and dull set of metal bits for some silicon versions that machine a perfect virtual front panel every time.