Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

November 2013

Nuts and Volts Magazine


MakerPlot — The DIY Software Kit Part 2

Graphical plotting, data acquisition, and control software for your microcontroller.


Quick and Easy USB Keyboard Input

Ever want a physical trigger to manipulate keyboard inputs? Then, this is the circuit for you.


Want to be sure you’re playing musical chords correctly? This unit will tell you if you are and display a light show in the process.

Build a Personal Guitar Microphone Pre-Amp

Fine-tune the sound for your guitar just the way you want it with this handy device that will also work with Karaoke machines, boom boxes, and surround sound systems.


by Jeff Eckert
Events, Advances, and News (11.2013)
The first human B2B interface, the world’s thinnest keyboard, digital detox, and some tough little fuses are some of the tittilating tidbits you’ll read about.

The Spin Zone
by Jon McPhalen
Digging Into Dynamixels
Learn the inner workings of these drivers, so you can use them to make your own projects move.

by Russell Kincaid
Reader Questions Answered Here (11.2013)
A Jacob’s ladder redux, a video monitor alarm, and robot communication issues are discussed this time.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 64: Arduino Handheld Prototyper — Part 5
Data Logging — Take a look at the SRAM and EEPROM on the Arduino, then graduate to SD cards to learn cheap and easy ways to store LOTS of data.Part 64-5

Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
A New Airframe Design for Near Spacecraft — Part 1
After a recent capsule landing that did not go smoothly, it was the opportune time to come up with a better and stronger design.