Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

February 2013

Nuts and Volts Magazine

PIC Trainer From Surplus Parts



The microMedic Kit

This is a review of the microMedic Contest Kit, designed to support the 2013 microMedic National Contest sponsored by the US Army's Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center and Parallax, Inc.


Build Your Own PIC Trainer from Surplus

Assemble a versatile and high quality PIC trainer from stuff in your junkbox that will make going from concept to working project a breeze.

The Wide Range Pulse Generator

Generate pulses and/or logic level signals to check out the operation of your circuit before completing a project. This simple and straightforward unit will prove to be a handy addition to your workbench.


Events, Advances, and News (2.2013)
Read about memory cubes that are poised for production, the world’s thinnest UHD monitor, and being surveilled by store mannequins, just to name a few of the items presented.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Herding Data Over Bridges.
This month’s discussion centers on moving data back and forth between a small embedded network and the Internet.

by Russell Kincaid
Reader Questions Answered Here
Topics include a switch contact rating, a paddle key project, a negative voltage converter, making circuit boards, and a NiMH battery charger.

by Ron Hackett
Yet Another LED-2X7 Project!
Working with the 20M2 and the Lumex LDD-N514RI-RA LED Display.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 55: The Arduino Proto Shield Alarm Clock — Part 2
Let's take a look at the alarm clock software for both Arduinos and PCs, and learn how dates and times in general are handled on microcontrollers. Part 55

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
LTE — The Wireless Cell Phone Radio Technology
The motivation to develop LTE comes from the explosion of data services now available on cell phones that are stressing current infrastructures.