Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

January 2012

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Build A Simple Automatic Garage Door Closer.



The Radio Whisperer

The simplicity of the WSPR receiver described here makes it attractive as a low cost radio propagation tool.


Build a Stereo Gain Controller

Tired of being blasted off your seat by excessive audio volume when you switch television channels or when the commercials come on? To mitigate such unnerving changes in program audio, a popular automatic volume controller from the vacuum tube era was updated to today's technology. This circuit is also useful in home recording.

Build the Garage Door Closer

Leave your garage door open? No problem! This handy device will close it automatically for you. (Plus, you don't even have to remember to replace batteries in this unit.)

Build a USB Volume and Mute Controller for Your PC

Now you can do things like listen to music on your laptop with the lid closed because volume control is now accessible externally.


by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2012
Find out how to upgrade your iPad 2 with a keyboard case, take 4-D photos, and if Bing is losing big (it is), along with other pretty interesting stuff.

Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
Near Space
Global Positioning System Simulator, Ver 2.0.

by Russell Kincaid
Q & A
Questions on flickering lamp circuits, water softeners, and USB testers are just some of the things talked about this time.

Fundamentals For Beginners
Build a Variable Timer
This is an adjustable timer circuit.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 42: Breadboard LCD Navigator — Part 1
Breadboard LCD Navigator — Part 1-42 the LCD

The Spin Zone
by Jon Williams
The Spin Zone
Prop Talk.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
The Design Cycle
MPLAB's X Factor.


How Old is Old Enough?
by Bryan Bergeron
One of the most often asked questions in my inbox is ‘how old is old enough to begin working with electronics?