Nuts and Volts Magazine
Equip your Experimenter with a USB hardware interface to use in a variety of applications.
Get a clear understanding of the various options for interfacing signals at different voltages.
Try a new electronic “spin” on a very old animation technique.
Finally, here’s a device that can tell you exactly what your fuel level is.
by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2011
This month, read about platooning, desktop performance in a portable, a free Pascal compiler, and how to give your handhelds a charge, plus some other interesting stuff.
by Ron Hackett
Experimenting with capacitive-touch sensors.
by Russell Kincaid
Q & A
A battery charge limiter, SPICE modeling, and a 433 MHz transmitter are some of the things you’ll learn about this time.
Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 33: USB to UART for Electronic Prototyping — Part 1
USB to UART for Electronic Prototyping — Part 1-33
The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
The Design Cycle
Drive your projects with the SPECTRUM ACE ECS.
Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Open Communication
The wireless frequency spectrum crisis.
Designing For Others
by Bryan Bergeron
If you’ve ever designed and built an electronic gizmo for someone else, you know that once the device leaves your sight, anything goes.