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August 2010

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Bike Blinker Plus+ , Build it today for fun and safety!



Pulse Operations with the 16-Bit Micro Experimenter

Time to add more tools to your Experimenter board! This month, we’ll look at the digital pulse capture and generation capabilities.


Thermoelectric Powered Sunflowers

This summer, create a nice evening ambience using a thermoelectric generator that gets its power from the sun.

Make the Bike Blinker Plus

As a cyclist, not only will you be more visible at night with this handy gadget that fits into your helmet, you’ll also know the air temperature!

Build the WatchPuppy

by Jim Sky

Keep your unattended computers working in the event of a software crash with this device that can reboot your modem, router, or other networking device when needed. You can also use the WatchPuppy as a remote monitoring device for temperature or voltages. This is an open-ended project that can be expanded to meet your specific needs.


by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2010
Artificial black hole created, your own teleprompter, talking with pedal power, plus other stuff you’ll find interesting.

by Ron Hackett
Introducing Tex and Rex: The IR Twins
In this month’s column, we’re going to re-visit the infrared realm, but this time we’re going to take a different approach and develop two very simple IR boards — each of which serves only one specific function. Rex will be our IR receiver and Tex will transmit IR signals to Rex.

by Russell Kincaid
Q & A
Irrigation timer, video switch, plus the MailBag.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Taking USB Downstream
Up to this point, we’ve been working our USB device magic on an upstream connection to a USB host. The time has come to take on USB host responsibilities and originate a downstream connection from the Type A USB connector of a USB host we will design and assemble.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Crystal Clock Oscillators: The Heart of All Communications Products
If you look inside any electronic product today, there are a few circuits and components that are common to all of them. For example, every product contains at least one microcontroller that runs it. Another circuit that you will see — especially in communications products — is a crystal oscillator or clock. This circuit generates precise timing signals that control everything else — including that microcontroller. In communications gear like radios, that crystal is the source of the exact opera

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 25: AVR Memory - Part 3 — Program Memory In A Flash!
AVR Memory — Part 3: Program Memory In A Flash! Part 25


How a Capacitor Works
in Fundamentals For Beginners
The function of a capacitor is to store an electrical charge. In this circuit, we will watch an LED slowly dim as the capacitor discharges.

Tech Forum
Visit our Tech Forum for your Reader-To-Reader Questions and Answers.

Developing Perspectives
by Bryan Bergeron
Please visit our Developing Perspectives blog to read the full article and comment.