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Show issues for

December 2009

Nuts and Volts Magazine

16 Bit Micro Experimenter Board



A 16-Bit Micro Experimenter for Solderless Breadboards

Ready to move up to 16-bit stuff? Well, we've got the perfect Experimenter for you, along with some cool applications to get your feet wet.


Recycled Electronics

Combine a used cat food can, a 25-year old CMOS chip, and a handful of components, and you too can make your neighborhood school buses safer!

Keyboard Game Interface

Simulate keyboard strokes using inputs on a microcontroller to fly your (simulated) place.

Experiments with Alternative Energy: Part 5

Learn the fundamentals of renewable energy through this educational series. This month: Experimenting with the Double Wide Sun Tracker.


by Jeff Eckert
Techknowledgery 2009 | December 2009
Topics covered include a $10 million buzz, adapter to simplify sharing digital content, vintage Mac fetches $8260, plus other stuff.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 17: Arduino Simple Motor Speed Control
Simple motor speed control using the Arduino. Part 17

by Russell Kincaid
Wind chime light show, DC-to-DC converter, bug zapper, plus more.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Find the HIDden virtues of USB
While we were extolling the virtues of USB as an RS-232 killer, we were totally ignoring one of USB’s greatest strengths: the HID class.

Personal Robotics
by Vern Graner
The Parallax Stingray Robot
Stronger than a BOEBOT, more powerful than a pen-wielding Scribbler, easier to carry than a QuadRover, the Parallax Stingray mobile robotic platform has landed!

by Ron Hackett
Interfacing Seven-Segment LCD Displays
This time,we’re going to experiment with interfacing seven-segment LED displays with PICAXE processors.To explore the basic concepts involved, we’ll begin with the simplest case: interfacing a single-digit LED display with a 20M processor.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
New Integrated Circuits Make Wireless Easier
The one thing that has made wireless so easy to implement everywhere is the integrated circuit. The single chip radio transceiver is a common device and it is available in many forms to give us the huge number of communications options we have today.


Developing Perspectives
by Bryan Bergeron
Please visit our Developing Perspectives blog to read the full article and comment.