Nuts and Volts Magazine
Learn the fundamentals of renewable energy through this educational series. This month: Build a Solar Powered Battery Charger
This 'Recycled Electronics' build uses a knob from a VCR to create a controller for the Windows Media Player.
Size matters when you're working with surface mount components. This handy device will get you right to the point of things.
Don't let your TV or other appliances suck power while in standby mode. Leave them connected to the grid while cutting the costs of your electric bills at the same time.
by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2009 | October 2009
Topics covered include iPOD recording device, repulsive light force discovered, protecting personal data, China to dump Lenova holdings, plus other stuff.
Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
E-books offer one more way to communicate electronically.
Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 15: Infrared Object Detection
Infrared object detection meets tomato soup cans. Part 15
by Russell Kincaid
Game show lockout circuit, fluorescent ballast, PICAXE or PIC, plus more.
Personal Robotics
by Vern Graner
The Halloween Prop Dropper
The Prop Dropper is designed to detect the presence of a person, rapid-deploy a small prop, display it for a moment, then wind it back up out of view, ready for its next victim
The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
The Design Cycle | October 2009
Unlocking a 16-bit USB front end for the new ENC624J600 stand-alone 10/100 Ehternet controller.
by Ron Hackett
Using The AXE027 USB Programming Cable
This month's Primer we're going to take a first look at how to cope with the process of migrating from the serial to USB programming connections.