Nuts and Volts Magazine
The problem with using Field Programmable Gate Arrays is that you have to learn a design language and then set up a fairly complex development environment to write programs in. That problem is addressed here.
Last time, we examined how to use power MOSFETs. This time, we'll build two projects.
In this final part, take a look at oscillator circuits that create their own signal during simulation.
Never soldered before? Now you can learn how!
Keypad access is a great convenience and with this unit you can trigger activiation of up to two
CamTim is a digital hack to convert your camera into a high-res time-lapse camcorder.
mistaIXG is a USB connected, PIC-basd synthesizer that will help you turn your computer into a music machine.
by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2009
DNA analysis, owning a Cray, Navaztags explained, plus more.
by Ron Hackett
Implementing a serial data link with the IR multi-board
This month, we're going to resolve the problem of the missing keypresses that we had last time with our SIRC system and then move on to accomplishing our final goal for the IR Multi-Board:
Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Converting To Digital TV
Fun with converter boxes and antennas.
by Russell Kincaid
CO2 laser power supply, a cycling circuit, LED replacement of incandescent bulbs, more.
The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
A Reasonable Replacement For RS-232
I'm going to include USB interfaces on subsequent Design Cycle projects that require serial communications with a personal computer.
Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 7: The Wearable Alarm Clock
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) for the wearable alarm clock, functions, and variables. Part 7
Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
The Great Plains Super Launch 2008
GPSL - or The Great Plains Super Launch - is the largest annual amateur near space launch, and takes place every summer. This year, Near Space Ventures and CAP'n'Space hosted GPSL in Liberty, MO on August 1-2.
Personal Robotics
by Vern Graner
Pneumatics In Robotics
Let's dip our toe into some possibly unfamiliar waters as we explore the world of electronically controlled pneumatic actuators for hobby robotic and animatronic mechanisms.