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Show issues for

January 2009

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Surface Mount Soldering: Using The Tools You Probably Have On Hand Already.




Part 1 will cover the theory behind these useful devices that have a lot of overlooked features.

A Touch of Spice Part 2

This month, make discoveries about IC circuits that are well-known and learn more about the concepts of sub-circuits and macromodels.

How To: Surface-Mount Soldering

Get over your fear of working with these tiny components.


Instrumentation for Model Rocketry

Incorporate additional instrumentation to a flight recorder to measure a rocket's rate of roll, relative altitude, and booster-stage separation detection.

16x16 Tri-Colored LED Matrix - Real Time Clock for the Parallax SX52

This project allows the user to create thier own scrolling display to show the time (or other messages) in multiple colors.

The Proto Buddy

Take proto circuit building to the next level with this device that allows you to expand your existing board so you can create all kinds of circuits.


by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2009
Reconnecting Brain Cells, Another Leap Toward The Sun?, New Unified Storage Appliance, Rugged Military Computer Introduced, and more.

Personal Robotics
by Vern Graner
Robo Resolution 2009
My New Year's resolution is 1650x1280.

Stamp Applications
by Jon Williams
Control from the Couch - Redux
With the SX and SX/B I think it's time to revisit SIRCs decoding and even couple it with serial I/O so that we can enable dual-mode control (IR plus serial) or have the ability to use our project as an IR-to-serial translator.

by Russell Kincaid
Questions & Answers
High impedance preamp, audio to LED display driver, FM shutdown problem, and more.

Getting Started With PICS
by Chuck Hellebuyck
I2C Communication
It's a new year and, unfortunately, economic times are looking quite dismal.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Chatting Up A Thumbdrive
Using the CDIP2 API coupled with the VDIP2 hardware interface we've designed and built, you should have no problems including USB Flash drives in your Design Cycle.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 6: A Menu Navigator
More C syntax for decision making, a menu navigation system for the Butterfly using its LCD and joystick. Part 6


New Products
in New Products
The Desktop Companion II

Developing Perspectives
by Bryan Bergeron
Please visit our Developing Perspectives blog to read the full article and comment.