Everything for Electronics

Victor Chaney

Victor Chaney is a dentist in private practice in Vallejo, CA, where he keeps the fountain on display. Before dentistry, he received his bachelor’s degree in Physics. His electronics education comes from books, magazines, and the Internet. He also plays pedal steel guitar in a Rock-and-Roll/Country band, “Coyote.” His last fountain, “Insectopia,” won top prize — Creativity Trophy in Best-of-Show Competition at the California State Fair.

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Victor's Articles

Build a Graphing Altimeter
May 2022
Know what elevation you’re at while hiking or driving.

Marvelous Magnetic Machines
March 2020
See how to make magical motors from spare parts.

Measuring the Air Quality Index
March 2020
Know if it’s safe to go outside.

The Graphing Weather Station
January 2020
This feature-rich unit builds on a previous project.

Build a Castle in the Clouds
June 2019
Build your own levitation device.

Build a Musical Laser Rainbow Machine
May 2018
Make liquid light with lasers and music.

The Flying Marbellos
December 2005
Click!... Whirrr... Hummm... Bang! These are the sounds of "The Flying Marbellos."

H-2-OPUS Water, Music, Lights, And Microcontrollers
June 2003
What kind of home project has 82 legs, horns, and will never have all of the "bugs" worked out of it? The answer is "H-2-Opus," a BASIC Stamp driven musical water fountain.
