Everything for Electronics

Marvin Mallon

Marvin's Articles

An Interview With Gary Johnston
Column: In The Spotlight
January 2008
Managing Director, Jaycar Electronics

An Interview with Ray Bellantoni
Column: In The Spotlight
February 2008
Vice President of Marketing, Jameco Electronics

The Altoidimeter
November 2008
Do you wonder what altitude your model Cessna made it to on that last flight? Need to know how high up the face of Half Dome you’ve climbed? Wonder how far down it is to the swirling Pacific as you hang glide over Torrey Pines? Sounds like you’re a candidate for a Zlog miniaturized recording altimeter.

An Inteview with Woolf Kanter of All Electronics
Column: In The Spotlight
March 2007
If you are looking for a wide variety of hobby and experimenter supplies, you just might want to do business with All Electronics Corp. This small, family owned and operated establishment is located in Van Nuys, CA...

An Interview with Wayne Thorpe
Column: In The Spotlight
April 2007
Mesa, AZ is home to one of the largest distributors of electronic equipment and supplies in the country. The 12,000 square foot facility of Circuit Specialists, Inc., houses the more than 11,000 items that they sell by mail order, as well as online...

An Interview with Mr. Ken Gracey of Parallax, Inc.
Column: In The Spotlight
May 2007
One of the leading suppliers of programmable microcontrollers is Parallax, Inc. The company is located in Rocklin, CA — a short commute from Sacramento...

An Interview with Neal Greenberg
Column: In The Spotlight
June 2007
This month’s spotlight is on Schmartboard™, a California organization located in the city of Fremont, situated north of San Jose. The principal product of the company is a cleverly designed prototyping board...

An Interview with Sharon Shepard
Column: In The Spotlight
July 2007
This month’s spotlight is on Integrated Ideas and Technologies, Inc., a privately owned fabrication firm located in Coeur d’Alene, ID. The company operates two divisions internally with a staff of 22...

An Interview with Paul True
Column: In The Spotlight
August 2007
The spotlight this month is on Linx Technology whose corporate headquarters is located in Merlin, OR, a small community northwest of Grants Pass. The privately owned company moved into this purpose-built facility in late 2006...

An Interview with Mike Leo
Column: In The Spotlight
September 2007
Ramsey Electronics is a leading distributor of sophisticated devices for both the hobbyist and the electronic experimenter. Located just south of Rochester, NY, they serve this market both by catalog as well as online sales...

An Interview with Johan Smit
Column: In The Spotlight
October 2007
This month’s spotlight is on Electronics 123 whose headquarters is in Columbiana — a town of about 6,000 population located 78 miles southeast of Cleveland on the eastern edge of Ohio...

An Interview with Mark Walsh
Column: In The Spotlight
November 2007
This month’s spotlight is on MCM Electronics, a division of Premier Farnell. The multi-national organization is a publicly held company listed on the London Stock Exchange...

An Interview with Chris Harriman of NetMedia
Column: In The Spotlight
December 2007
This month’s spotlight is on NetMedia, Inc., a Tucson, AZ firm that has been in business since 1993
