Add USB Devices to Your Projects
April 2012
Data storage, user input, printing, audio, video, and network communications are just a few of the functions that off-the-shelf USB devices can perform. Learn how to include USB devices in your creations with the BeagleBoard-xM.
Program Small Devices With Big Abilities
April 2010
Learn how to use the .NET Micro Framework in your projects.
Explore USB with WinUSB
January 2010
Learn how to program and access Win USB devices with this introduction to the firmware and applications. You can use it in your next project that utilizes USB.
Access Serial Ports With Visual BASICS .NET
April 2008
No serial port on your PC? No problem! To add a serial port, attach a USB/serial adapter to a USB port. This article focuses on the PC side of serial port communications. I’ll show how to use Visual Basic .NET to access serial ports, including USB virtual serial ports.
Access Serial Ports With PICBASIC
May 2008
This month, I’ll show a companion PICBASIC PRO program for a PIC microcontroller. The program detects received commands, takes requested actions, and sends responses. I’ll also show how to use an RS-422 interface to create serial links as long as 4,000 feet.
March 2004
Of all of the millions of pages on the web, most are hosted by large servers or, at minimum, desktop PCs, but these aren't the only computers that can function as web servers. Even very small devices can serve web pages on request, including pages that display real-time information and respond to user input. The pages can either be available within a local network or an Internet connection can be added to make the pages available to anyone on the Internet.
May 2004
If you have a device that you want to use in a local network or on the Internet, one of the decisions you’ll need to make is how the device will exchange information with other computers in the network. Many devices host web pages that display information and enable users to send input, but web pages aren’t the only option.
Access Flash Drives With A Microcontroller
February 2007
USB Flash drives provide a handy way to store any type of information in a small package. The drives — also known as thumb drives and USB keys — seem ideal for use in data loggers and other microcontroller-based projects...
USB For Projects On A Budget
April 2007
If you have an idea for a device that communicates with PCs, the chances are good that the device will connect to the PC via the Universal Serial Bus (USB). You’re probably well acquainted with USB as the interface...