Everything for Electronics

FM Radio Reception Comes to US Cars in 1958

Here’s a quick look at how we ended up with car radios that offered both AM and FM reception.


Breathing Life into a 1970’s Turntable

On a recent trip, I stopped at my wife’s cousin’s house deep in the country. In a mostly collapsed barn filled with disintegrating furniture, something electronic resting on a beat-up easy chair caught my eye.


Vintage Instruments for Vintage Repairs?

The majority of diagnostic and alignment tools I use for my refurbishing projects are vintage instruments themselves.


Restoring the Curtain Burner Radio of the Early 1930s

This article examines the “curtain burner” or those 1930s radios that were furnished with a resistance line cord that supplied vacuum tube filament voltage as well as power the radio itself. I’ll look at how possibly restoring these types of radios can be problematic, and how to safely restore them.


The EleKit TU-8900 300B/2A3 SE Power Amp Kit

Are you an audiophile with a yearning to build kits reminiscent of the old HeathKits? If so, then this high-end tube amp kit may be what you’ve been waiting for. I think you’ll appreciate the value proposition of this eight watts per channel single-ended stereo amp based on a pair of 300B or 2A3 triodes.


Britain’s Raiding Dreadnought of the Ether

Among the best-kept secrets in Great Britain during World War II was a 600 kW medium-wave transmitter which was codenamed “Aspidistra.” The transmitter would disrupt the German war machine through misdirection and fake news.


(Mostly) Restoring a Vintage Sidereal Clock

Sidereal time is a timekeeping system that astronomers use to locate celestial objects. Using sidereal time, it’s possible to easily point a telescope to the proper coordinates in the night sky. A fellow reader of N&V contacted me about a digital clock that counted and reported standard and sidereal time, both in 24 hour format. It needed some work, and he sent it to me. Here’s how the restoration went.

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