Everything for Electronics

Guitar Pickups and Unique Wiring Configurations

The tones produced by an electric guitar are greatly affected by its electronic components and wiring configurations. Understanding these concepts can give you the ability to modify your guitar to get the sound you want.


FM Radio Reception Comes to US Cars in 1958

Here’s a quick look at how we ended up with car radios that offered both AM and FM reception.


Select Powerpole Ports by Touch

This idea got its start after reading the article by Matt Newman VA3MGN in the January 2023 issue of QST, “Switch Selection of Powerpole Ports.” Combining his concept with the use of a Nextion touch display seemed like a nice upgrade.


Build a Graphing Altimeter

I think it’s fun to know the altitude where I am. While travelling, it’s difficult to pay close attention to the elevation of each moment, and this graph allows me to see where I have been in elevation. I can enjoy the peaks and valleys of my journey, even if I wasn’t able to view the readings at those particular moments.


Build a Simple Toaster Oven Temperature Profile Controller

Building a toaster oven temperature profile controller might not sound so exciting, but that's just the first layer of the onion! The exact same hardware and software can be used to build all sorts of embedded microcontroller projects, and you can do so without ever installing a software development environment anywhere because it's all inside the microcontroller itself. This is all based on relatively new technology called "WebUSB" and "Web Serial."


The Big Bang Z-Pinch Machine

Do you like doing science experiments? I don’t mean vinegar and baking soda volcanoes. I mean building a real scientific apparatus that uses a Z-pinch effect to squeeze the daylights out of a soda can in the blink of an eye. KA-BANG!!!


Build a Three-Phase Compass Motor

This working three-phase motor can be created on a breadboard for under $15 in parts. The motor can be used to explore the motor concepts and theory used in electric vehicles.

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