Everything for Electronics

The Big Bang Z-Pinch Machine

Do you like doing science experiments? I don’t mean vinegar and baking soda volcanoes. I mean building a real scientific apparatus that uses a Z-pinch effect to squeeze the daylights out of a soda can in the blink of an eye. KA-BANG!!!


Build a Three-Phase Compass Motor

This working three-phase motor can be created on a breadboard for under $15 in parts. The motor can be used to explore the motor concepts and theory used in electric vehicles.


A Realistic Fake Car Alarm “Blinky” Light

Most of us have seen the car alarm “blinky” light through a vehicle’s window. However, a fake light is easy to differentiate from the real thing in the way it operates. The fake LED would blink constantly, while the “real thing” would blink only once every few seconds. Here’s a circuit to make the fake more realistic.


Build a Laser Alignment System for Your Telescope

There are several key steps to setting up a telescope. Some people use a compass and a broomstick to align their telescope. In this article, I’ll show you how to build a laser alignment circuit to easily align your telescope mount/tripod with “True North.”


Coffee Cup Warmer for the Workbench

This article addresses the subject of semiconductor-based temperature measurement. The theory is developed in a general way and then applied to the construction of a device useful to those of us who spend many hours at our workbench or desk. It’s hoped that the presentation is such as to suggest to the reader many possible variations and other applications.


Build a Wireless Electronic Scoreboard

Kids love to compete in all kinds of running games, so here’s an electronic project just for runners. The scoreboard I designed will record a runner’s elapsed time on a large LED seven-segment display. Starting the race is easy! Just press a button at the starting line; wait two seconds for a buzzer to go off; run 20+ yards; slap a numbered flag; and the scoreboard will show who won the race.


Build an LED Amusement Park at Home

While brainstorming project ideas for our microcontroller class at Cornell University, we realized that we all particularly missed visiting amusement parks during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, we decided to build something that would bring some of the excitement of those parks into the lab. In particular, we thought that using LEDs on a LED strip would be a creative and exciting way to visually simulate different rides.

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