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Replacing The 555 With A PIC — Part 1 — A Digital Analog

Inspired by Forrest Mims and his Mini-Notebook series, we'll detail the emulation of a 555 or 556 using a PIC in several different circuits. The particular implementation this time covers both monostable and astable modes, and the PIC does not have to be reprogrammed in any way.

Take a CAN Bus for a Spin

A Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other in applications without a host computer. This three-part series will give you the knowledge you need to utilize this protocol. First up: Learn how to use a CAN bus with a Propeller MCU.

Shielding and Shielded Cables

For low frequency control, switching, and DC power, it is possible to get the job done without worrying too much about wiring and cabling practices. However, when RF gremlins begin to appear, suddenly, a whole new set of cautions and constraints gets piled on to your “simple” project. This article provides an overview of shielding, including some practices you should know as a defense against these gremlins.

So, Exactly What is Electronics?

Given the evolution of components to microcontrollers in the electronics field over the past few years, exactly how do you define electronics today? Does it have to include a soldering iron? Does programming DSP chips and other keyboard activity qualify? Where do you see electronics going in, say, 10 years?

ESP8266 NTP Clock

Building digital clocks may not be the sexiest of DIY projects, but it’s still pretty fun. Try this version that utilizes the ESP8266 family of devices which makes incorporating the Network Time Protocol simple.


Much as we learn about ourselves from our mistakes, we can learn a great deal about transformers from their imperfections.

The AC Volt

In the US, the DC volt is legally defined by the Josephson array — a super conducting quantum device with a highly repeatable output voltage. Banks of standard cells and temperature-stabilized zener diode references are used by the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) to calibrate DC meters for scientific and industrial customers. So how is the AC volt defined?

Impedance Matching

When RF energy travels in a transmission line and encounters a load or different type of line, the resulting reflections create standing waves of voltage and current, just as water waves do when they encounter an obstruction. This can create problems with digital signals and can result in extra losses. However, there are several techniques for dealing with these reflections.

Digitally Programmable Potentiometer (DPP) Basics

The digitally-programmable potentiometer (DPP) is a mixed signal, system-level control device performing a component-level function. The potentiometer adds variability to the analog circuit, while the digital controls add programmability. The DPP brings the high speed, programming, computation, and control of a processor to the variation of the potentiometer in a wide array of analog applications.

Build an ESR Meter for Your Test Bench

Internal resistance within capacitors — known as Equivalent Series Resistance — can increase over time, causing power loss and/or heating. With this device, you can test your stash of capacitors so you can weed out any bad ones before you install them in your projects.