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Smith Chart Fundamentals

The Smith Chart is one of the most useful tools in radio communications, but it is often misunderstood. After reading this introduction to the basics, you will have a better understanding of impedance matching and VSWR — common parameters in a radio station.

The PID Controller — Part 1

The goal of this series is to introduce you to the world of control electronics. Practical examples will be presented and the math will be kept to an absolute minimum. This is not to say that the math is not important. Quite the opposite — control systems may be modeled and analyzed mathematically. The mathematics is nothing short of amazing and I would encourage you to peruse it.

The Magic of Antennas

If you really want to know what makes any wireless application work, it's the antenna. Here, we'll summarize some of the most common types and make you aware of what an antenna really is and how it works.

The Field Effect Transistor

A Necessary Device for the Modern IC

This transistor was actually the first type of semiconductor amplifier predicted theoretically at Bell Labs, back in the 1950s, but it was not developed into a practical device until after the bipolar type had become popular. However, FETs have now become the most common type, with tens of millions of them in each microprocessor IC chip.

What The L Is It?

After years of fumbling with capacitors and signal generators, it’s extremely gratifying to be able to touch any old inductor to the contact pads and have the meter tell me its value. I hope you’ll find this device as useful as I do.

Capacitors — The Family Tree

Open a parts vendor’s catalog to the capacitor section and you’ll find an amazing variety of choices. Why are there all these different types? Rest assured that there are perfectly good reasons for each. Find out why and how to tell what type is right for your project.

The Magnetic Amplifier

Most folks believe that first came the vacuum tube and right on its heels came its successor, the transistor — an historical fact, correct? Not really. Another competitive control technology developed by US and Nazi engineers came in between. It was the magnetic amplifier. Rugged, dependable, EMP-proof, and capable of handling greater electrical powers than either transistor or tube, the magnetic amplifier is a simple device that can be built by anyone.

Resistors: Types And Applications

An ohm is an ohm, right? Not so fast — there are many different types of resistors. To insure that your circuit works and stays working, use the right type of resistor. In this article, you'll learn about the common types of resistors and their special characteristics.

Understanding Digital Logic ICs — Part 1

Modern digital logic ICs are widely available in three basic types: TTL devices, “slow” CMOS devices, and “fast” CMOS devices. Each of these families has its own particular advantages and disadvantages, and its own special set of usage rules. This four-part mini-series explains the basic principles and usage rules of each, and provides practical usage guidance for the vast range of ICs available in each of these families. This opening article concentrates on digital logic IC basics.

Understanding Digital Buffer, Gate, and Logic IC Circuits - Part 3

Practical digital NAND gate and OR gate logic ICs.