By Joe Pardue View In Digital Edition
Selecting A Serial Port And Getting User Input
In the last episode, we introduced you to serial communications between a PC and an Arduino using C# or Visual Basic Express .NET (both free from (The article shows the C# examples and the Visual Basic examples that are in the This time, we'll look at selecting a serial port, getting user input, and then we will expand on all this to build a simple terminal.
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FIGURE 1. PortSet Test. |
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FIGURE 2. Add New Item. |
In this section, we will create a dialog form to allow the user to select an available serial port and set the UART parameters needed for the communication link (Baudrate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, and Handshaking). To create and test the Settings dialog, we will use a test form — PortSetTest — to call it. Later, we will access this form by clicking the settings menu item from the Simple Terminal (next month, we will use it for a Arduino voltmeter program).
— Change the form name to ‘Setting.’
— Add the Smiley.ico icon.
— Change the form color to Bisque.
— The upper white box with listBoxPorts is a listBox which you will name listBoxPorts.
— The control with the label ‘Baudrate’ is a ComboBox; change its name to comboBoxBaud.
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FIGURE 3. Add New Item Form. | FIGURE 4. Settings Form. |
using DevInfo;
public PortSettings()<br />
{<br />
// Get a list of the Serial port names<br />
string[] ports = GetPorts();
int i = 0;<br />
foreach (string s in ports)<br />
{<br />
if (s != “”)<br />
{<br />
listBoxPorts.Items.Insert(i++, s);<br />
}<br />
// Set first Serial port as default<br />
// Initialize baudrates in combobox;<br />
comboBoxBaud.Items.AddRange(new object[]<strong>wrap</strong><br />
{“75”,”110”,”134”,”150”,”300”,”600”,<strong>wrap</strong><br />
“1200”,”1800”,”2400”,”4800”,<br />
”7200”,”9600”,<strong>wrap</strong><br />
“14400”,”19200”,”38400”,<br />
”57600”,”115200”,”128000”});<br />
<br />
// Set Handshaking selection<br />
// We will only use these handshaking types<br />
comboBoxHandshaking.Items.Add(“None”);<br />
comboBoxHandshaking.Items.Add(“RTS/CTS”);<br />
// Set Parity types<br />
foreach (string s in<br />
Enum.GetNames(typeof(Parity)))<br />
{<br />
comboBoxParity.Items.Add(s);<br />
// Set Databits<br />
// FT232R UART interface supports only 7<br />
// or 8 data bits <br />
// comboBoxDataBits.Items.Add(“5”);<br />
// not supported<br />
// comboBoxDataBits.Items.Add(“6”);<br />
// not supported<br />
comboBoxDataBits.Items.Add(“7”);<br />
// Set Stopbits<br />
// FT232R UART interface supports only 1<br />
// or 2 stop bits<br />
// comboBoxStopBits.Items.Add(“None”);<br />
// not supported<br />
//comboBoxStopBits.Items.Add(“1.5”);<br />
// not supported<br />
comboBoxBaud.Text = “19200”;<br />
comboBoxParity.Text = “None”;<br />
comboBoxDataBits.Text = “8”;<br />
comboBoxStopBits.Text = “1”;<br />
comboBoxHandshaking.Text = “None”;<br />
private void buttonOkay_Click(object<br />
sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;<br />
private void buttonCancel_Click(object<br />
sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;<br />
These functions close the form and post the DialogResult message for the PortSettingsTest form which called the Settings form.
In the source code in, you will see #region and #endregion. The IDE uses #region and #endregion to show or hide code sections. When you click on the + or - to the left #region, the code section collapses or expands. We use these to simplify the code visually, making it easier to follow the overall code logic. Collapsing the regions looks like Figure 5.
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FIGURE 5. Regions. |
Create data assessors and indexChanged functions by clicking the ‘SelectedIndexChanged’ event in the events section (lightning bolt) of the Properties window.
In C#, add:
#region Data Assessors<br />
// Data assessors and index changed functions<br />
// FT232R UART interface supporta<br />
// 7 or 8 data bits<br />
// 1 or 2 stop bits<br />
// odd / even / mark / space / no parity.<br />
// So these will be the only options available
#region Port Name<br />
// Assessor for the selected port name<br />
private string SelectedPort = “”;<br />
public string selectedPort<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return SelectedPort;<br />
}<br />
set<br />
{<br />
SelectedPort = value;<br />
labelPort.Text = “Selected Port =<br />
“ + SelectedPort;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
#region Baudrate<br />
private int SelectedBaudrate;<br />
public int selectedBaudrate<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return SelectedBaudrate;<br />
}<br />
set<br />
{<br />
SelectedBaudrate = value;<br />
comboBoxBaud.Text = value.ToString();<br />
}<br />
private void comboBoxBaud_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{ <br />
selectedBaudrate = <strong>wrap</strong><br />
Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxBaud.Items[comboBoxBaud.<br />
SelectedIndex]);<br />
}<br />
#region Parity<br />
private Parity SelectedParity;// = Parity.None;<br />
public Parity selectedParity<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return SelectedParity;<br />
}<br />
{<br />
SelectedParity = value;<br />
comboBoxParity.Text = value.ToString();<br />
}<br />
private void comboBoxParity_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
string temp = comboBoxParity.Items[comboBoxParity.SelectedIndex].ToString();
switch (temp)<br />
{<br />
case “Even”:<br />
selectedParity = Parity.Even;<br />
break;<br />
case “Mark”:<br />
selectedParity = Parity.Mark;<br />
break;<br />
case “None”:<br />
selectedParity = Parity.None;<br />
break;<br />
case “Odd”:<br />
selectedParity = Parity.Odd;<br />
break;<br />
case “Space”:<br />
selectedParity = Parity.Space;<br />
break;<br />
default:<br />
selectedParity = Parity.None;<br />
break;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
#region StopBits<br />
private StopBits SelectedStopBits = StopBits.One;<br />
public StopBits selectedStopBits<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return SelectedStopBits;<br />
}<br />
set<br />
{<br />
SelectedStopBits = value;<br />
comboBoxStopBits.Text =<br />
value.ToString();<br />
}<br />
private void comboBoxStopBits_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
string temp = <strong>wrap</strong><br />
comboBoxStopBits.Items[comboBoxStopBits.Selected<br />
switch (temp)<br />
{<br />
case “None”:<br />
selectedStopBits = StopBits.None;<br />
break;<br />
case “1”:<br />
selectedStopBits = StopBits.One;<br />
break;<br />
// case “1.5”: // not supported by<br />
// FT232R<br />
// SelectedStopBits =<br />
// StopBits.OnePointFive;<br />
//break;<br />
case “2”:<br />
selectedStopBits = StopBits.Two;<br />
break;<br />
default:<br />
selectedStopBits = StopBits.One;<br />
break;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
#region DataBits<br />
private int SelectedDataBits = 8;<br />
public int selectedDataBits<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return SelectedDataBits;<br />
}<br />
set<br />
{<br />
SelectedDataBits = value;<br />
comboBoxDataBits.Text =<br />
value.ToString();<br />
}<br />
private void comboBoxDataBits_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if (comboBoxDataBits.SelectedIndex == 0)<br />
selectedDataBits = 7;<br />
else selectedDataBits = 8;<br />
}<br />
#region Handshaking<br />
// We will only use None, Xon/Xoff, or Hardware (which is RTS/CTS)<br />
private Handshake SelectedHandshaking = Handshake.None;<br />
public Handshake selectedHandshaking<br />
{<br />
get<br />
{<br />
return SelectedHandshaking;<br />
}<br />
set<br />
{<br />
SelectedHandshaking = value;<br />
comboBoxHandshaking.Text =<br />
value.ToString();<br />
}<br />
private void comboBoxHandshaking_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if (comboBoxHandshaking.SelectedIndex == 0)<br />
selectedHandshaking = <strong>wrap</strong><br />
Handshake.None;<br />
else if (comboBoxHandshaking.SelectedIndex<br />
== 1) selectedHandshaking = <strong>wrap</strong><br />
Handshake.RequestToSend;<br />
else if (comboBoxHandshaking.SelectedIndex<br />
== 2) <strong>wrap</strong><br />
selectedHandshaking = Handshake.XOnXOff;<br />
else selectedHandshaking = Handshake.None;<br />
}<br />
public partial class Form1 : Form<br />
{<br />
private string portname = “Not Initialized”;<br />
private string baudrate = “Not Initialized”;<br />
private string parity = “Not Initialized”;<br />
private string stopbits = “Not Initialized”;<br />
private string databits = “Not Initialized”;<br />
private string handshaking = “Not<br />
// Instantiate the PortSettings class<br />
PortSettings p = new PortSettings();
public Form1()<br />
{<br />
private void clearSettings()<br />
{<br />
portname = “”;<br />
baudrate = “”;<br />
databits = “”;<br />
stopbits = “”;<br />
parity = “”;<br />
handshaking = “”;<br />
private void buttonTest_Click(object sender,<br />
EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if (p.ShowDialog() ==<br />
DialogResult.Cancel)<br />
{<br />
// clear out settings<br />
clearLabels();<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
// set labels to Settings values<br />
setLabels();<br />
}<br />
private void clearLabels()<br />
{<br />
labelPortName.Text = “PortName”;<br />
labelBaudRate.Text = “BaudRate”;<br />
labelParity.Text = “Parity”;<br />
labelDataBits.Text = “DataBits”;<br />
labelStopBits.Text = “StopBits”;<br />
labelHandShaking.Text = “HandShaking”;<br />
private void setLabels()<br />
{<br />
labelPortName.Text = “PortName: “ +<br />
p.selectedPort;<br />
labelBaudRate.Text = “BaudRate: “ +<br />
p.selectedBaudrate.ToString();<br />
labelParity.Text = “Parity: “ +<br />
p.selectedParity.ToString();<br />
labelDataBits.Text = “DataBits: “ +<br />
p.selectedDataBits.ToString();<br />
labelStopBits.Text = “StopBits: “ +<br />
p.selectedStopBits.ToString();<br />
labelHandShaking.Text = “HandShaking:<br />
“ + <strong>wrap</strong><br />
p.selectedHandshaking.ToString();<br />
}<br />
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FIGURE 6. Settings Test. |
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FIGURE 7. Settings Test Result. |
We have covered a lot so far. In the last Workshop, we created a GUI for our Simple Terminal. Then in this workshop, we created and tested a Settings form. You may be a bit tired of PC GUIs by now, but I have some good news. We will be able to use the Settings object in future projects by simply copying the source code to the new projects directory and using the Add/Existing Item technique shown here to get this object into our code. So, the good news is: We never have to code this again! Now you see one of the values of object-oriented programming. You can build and test a useful software object, forget all about how it works, and just use it like a black box.
You may have looked at some of the uses of the Serial Port Class in the source code for the Simple Terminal from Workshop 18. You may have even had one of those ‘what the …’ moments with some of the delegate stuff. Put simply, the code that is communicating with the serial port isn’t actually running with the code for the GUIs. This concerns ‘threads’ or bits of software that are running separately in Windows (each gets a part of each second to run so that all the threads seem like they are running at the same time to the user). When you want one thread to put stuff in another thread, you set a delegate that the first thread can call from the second thread. So, we have to create a delegate in our GUI that allows the serial port thread to set the text in our richTextBox. Yeah, it’s complex, but we don’t really have to go too deep at this point just to use the serial port. This is one of those cases where cookbook coding really comes in handy; you can just safely use the source code and move on until you have time to burn out a few more brain cells and learn the details. If you get to that point, you might consider the Cookbook I mentioned earlier.
Now that we have built and tested the portSettings class, let’s add it to the GUI that we built last month and get our Simple Terminal communicating between the PC and the Arduino.
In Workshop 18, we built the Simple Terminal GUI. Now we want to add the portSettings stuff we just built so that we can make the GUI communicate using the serial port.
— Port Settings.cs
— Port Settings.Designer.cs
— Port Settings.resz
— DevInfo.cs
using PortSet;
Now that you have added the PortSettings and DevInfo Classes to your Simple Terminal project, you are ready to use the .NET System.IO.Ports library that contains the SerialPort Class.
private void settingsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{ <br />
// Make sure the port isn’t already open<br />
if (serialPort1.IsOpen)<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“The port must be closed<br />
before changing the settings.”);<br />
return;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
// creat an instance of the settings<br />
// form<br />
PortSettings settings = new<br />
if (settings.ShowDialog() ==<br />
DialogResult.OK)<br />
{<br />
if (settings.selectedPort != “”)<br />
{<br />
// set the serial port to the<br />
// new settings<br />
serialPort1.PortName =<br />
settings.selectedPort;<br />
serialPort1.BaudRate =<br />
settings.selectedBaudrate;<br />
serialPort1.DataBits =<br />
settings.selectedDataBits;<br />
serialPort1.Parity =<br />
settings.selectedParity;<br />
serialPort1.StopBits =<br />
// show the new settings in the<br />
// form text line<br />
showSettings();<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“Error:<br />
Settings form returned with wrap<br />
no Serial port selected.”);<br />
return; // bail out<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“Error:<br />
buttonSetup_Click - Settings wrap<br />
dialog box did not return Okay.”);<br />
return; // bail out<br />
// open the port<br />
try<br />
{<br />
serialPort1.Close();<br />
serialPort1.Open();<br />
menuStrip1.Items[1].Text =<br />
“Close Port”;
}<br />
catch (System.Exception ex)<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“Error -<br />
setupToolStripMenuItem_Click wrap<br />
Exception: “ + ex);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
// show the settings in the form text line<br />
private void showSettings()<br />
{<br />
this.Text = “Smiley Micros - “ +<br />
serialPort1.PortName + “ “ +<br />
serialPort1.BaudRate.ToString() + “,” +<br />
serialPort1.Parity + “,” +<br />
serialPort1.DataBits.ToString() + “,” +<br />
serialPort1.StopBits;<br />
if (serialPort1.IsOpen)<br />
{<br />
this.Text += “ - Port is open”;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
this.Text += “ - Port is closed”;<br />
}<br />
private void openPortToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
try<br />
{<br />
if (serialPort1.IsOpen)<br />
{<br />
serialPort1.Close();<br />
openPortToolStripMenuItem.Text<br />
= “Open Port”;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
serialPort1.Open();<br />
openPortToolStripMenuItem.Text =<br />
“Close Port”;<br />
showSettings();<br />
}<br />
catch (System.Exception ex)<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“Error - openPortToolStripMenuItem_Click Exception: wrap<br />
“ + ex);<br />
}<br />
private void richTextBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
sendChar(e.KeyChar);<br />
private void sendChar(char c)<br />
{<br />
char[] data = new Char[1];<br />
data[0] = c;<br />
try<br />
{<br />
serialPort1.Write(data, 0, 1);<br />
}<br />
catch<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“Error: sendByte -<br />
failed to send.\nIs the port open?”);<br />
}<br />
#region receive functions
// We want to have the serial port thread report back data received, but to<br />
// display that data we must create a delegate<br />
// function to show the data in the<br />
// richTextBox
// define the delegate<br />
public delegate void SetText();<br />
// define an instance of the delegate<br />
SetText setText;
// create a string that will be loaded with the<br />
// data received from the port<br />
public string str = “”;
// note that this function runs in a separate<br />
// thread and thus we must use a<br />
// delegate in order to display the results in<br />
// the richTextBox.<br />
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
// instantiate the delegate to be invoked<br />
// by this thread<br />
setText = new SetText(mySetText);
// load the data into the string<br />
try<br />
{<br />
str = serialPort1.ReadExisting();<br />
}<br />
catch (System.Exception ex)<br />
{<br />
MessageBox.Show(“Error –<br />
port_DataReceived Exception: “ + ex);<br />
// invoke the delegate in the MainForm<br />
// thread<br />
this.Invoke(setText);<br />
// create the instance of the delegate to be<br />
// used to write the received data to<br />
// the richTextBox<br />
public void mySetText()<br />
{<br />
// show the text<br />
richTextBox2.Text += str.ToString();
moveCaretToEnd();<br />
// This rigaramole is needed to keep the last<br />
// received item displayed<br />
private void richTextBoxReceive_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
moveCaretToEnd();<br />
private void moveCaretToEnd()<br />
{<br />
richTextBox1.SelectionStart =<br />
richTextBox1.Text.Length;<br />
richTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0;<br />
richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret();<br />
}<br />
So that will give you a working terminal program. Next time, we will use this code to create an Arduino voltmeter that shows ADC data on the PC monitor. NV
You can find the source code and supplements for this article in in the downloads section of the Nuts & Volts website and Smiley Micros website.